Enhancing Brake Performance with 

DBK Brake Pads Heat Sinks/Cooling Fins

When it comes to optimizing motorcycle performance, especially braking systems, addressing thermal dynamics is crucial. Our innovative heat sinks were born from the meticulous observation of braking system dynamics, focusing on thermal energy transformation during use and its impact on the braking components.

The Genesis of the Idea

The idea stemmed from observing the heat transfer within braking systems. Increased vehicle performance, cost reduction by manufacturers, and the advent of sintered materials have disrupted the previously balanced performance characteristics of braking systems. This imbalance necessitated the creation of a device with dual functions: limiting the thermal transfer from the brake pads to the caliper and brake fluid and cooling the brake pad to prevent critical temperature conditions.

The Innovative Hybrid Plates

Our specially designed “Hybrid” plates consist of two parts:

  1. Special Thermal Steel: This component features high heat conductivity, laser-cut and CNC-machined for precision. Slots reduce contact surface and expel hot air from the piston cavity, minimizing heat propagation to the piston and brake fluid.
  2. Lightweight Alloy Heat Sink: Made from Teremal, a unique lightweight alloy with exceptional thermal exchange capacity, this part aids in efficient heat dissipation.

Rigorous Testing and Development

The development process spanned over a year, with extensive testing and comparisons on the track leading to the final version. Our heat sinks were tested on various motorcycles under different conditions, consistently delivering remarkable results.

Project Highlights

  • Thermal Insulation and Cooling: Using two different metallic elements optimizes thermal insulation and cooling, enhancing braking performance.
  • Reduction in Pad Temperature: Tests showed up to a 20° C (68F) reduction in pad temperature, improving braking efficiency, initial bite stability, and piston rollback.
  • Increased Pad Lifespan: The reduced operating temperature extended the pad lifespan by 25%.

Development Process

The project involved:

  • Material Selection and Processing: Choosing materials with optimal thermal properties and refining the production process.
  • Data Acquisition and Thermal Imaging: Using advanced tools to visualize heat propagation and assess the braking components.
  • Extensive Testing: Over 500 hours on the circuit and 20,000 km (12,500mi) of road testing across six different motorcycles, ensuring consistent results.

Achieving the Perfect Balance

Our hybrid heat sinks offer an ideal compromise between efficiency, weight, cost, and installation simplicity. They enhance braking performance by reducing pad temperature and improving the overall braking experience, making them a vital component for high-performance vehicles.



By addressing the thermal dynamics of braking systems, our hybrid heat sinks provide a comprehensive solution for enhanced braking performance. The innovative design and rigorous testing ensure that these components deliver superior results, making them an essential upgrade for any high-performance vehicle. Embrace the future of braking technology with our cutting-edge hybrid heat sinks.

motorcycle accessories